This Week in LGBT Front Pages Returns

Considering the recent blog post about coverage of HIV and AIDS issues by the gay press, and discussions at the LGBT Media Convening last month in Philadelphia on what stories get reported on and those that don’t, I thought it might be a good idea to revive this weekly posting that I had started in 2012.

Last week several LGBT newspapers ran preview stories of the upcoming hearings on same-sex marriage before the U.S Supreme Court – scheduled for March 26 and March 27. Both Atlanta’s Georgia Voice and the Dallas Voice devoted their front pages to teasing cover articles on the fight for marriage equality (the stories actually ran inside the papers.) The layout was also remarkably similar, with images of the imposing courthouse super-imposed in front of rainbow-flag colors.

The Washington Blade focused on the election of the new pontiff, Pope Francis, and the conditions of the space its city’s LGBT center is trying to move into. In Boston, Bay Windows had a locally-focused front page that covered everything from marriage equality news to an honor for former gay Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass).

The Bay Area Reporter, which has been running a series of stories on the lawsuits attempting to strike down California’s Prop 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act laws banning same-sex marriage, also featured local coverage on its front page. Stories included the possible opening of a long-closed Castro restaurant, Bay Area groups seeking pro-gay immigration reform, and San Francisco becoming only the third city in the nation to offset federal health care taxes city employees with same-sex partners incur.

Sacramento’s Outword was devoted to travel stories, while in Chicago, the Windy City Times splashed a photo of a smiling gay couple across its cover to promote a special wedding section inside. Amidst the legal wrangling in D.C., there is a push to adopt a same-sex marriage bill in the Illinois statehouse.

Here is a sampling of last week’s front pages from a variety of LGBT newspapers:

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